JavaScript Complete Tutorial step by step web programming PDF
Learn Python from Beginner to Advance Download Full Advance Course PDF .With the Help of this PDF course You will be able to learn JavaScript Step By Step With Real-time code Examples. You can download this Book / Notes Free of cost.
Introduction To JavaScript in Simple Words
JavaScript is a computer language that helps websites become more interactive and dynamic. It’s like the glue that holds web pages together. Whenever someone visit a webpage and click on buttons, fill out forms, or see animations its All About JavaScript. It can do things like change the content on a page without needing to reload it, make pop-up messages, and even remember information you’ve entered. In a nutshell, JavaScript makes websites feel alive and responsive, allowing you to do more than just look at static information
a lightweight programming language (“scripting language”)
used to make web pages interactive
insert dynamic text into HTML (ex: user name)
react to events (ex: page load user click)
get information about a user’s computer (ex: browser type)
perform calculations on user’s computer (ex: form validation)
JavaScript VS Java
interpreted, not compiled
more relaxed syntax and rules
fewer and “looser” data types
variables don’t need to be declared
errors often silent (few exceptions)
key construct is the function rather than the class
“first-class” functions are used in many situations
contained within a web page and integrates with its HTML/CSS content
Basic JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
How is JavaScript used in web development?
Setting up a development environment.
Variables and Data Types
Declaring variables
Data types
Variable naming conventions.
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators.
Conditional Statements
if statements
switch statements
else and else if statements.
for loop / While Loop
do…while loop
Loop control statements
Creating arrays
Accessing and modifying array elements
Array methods
Declaring and calling functions.
Function parameters and return values
Function scope
Creating objects.
Accessing and modifying object properties
Function scope
Intermediate JavaScript
DOM Manipulation
What is the Document Object Model
Selecting and modifying HTML elements
Handling events
Async JavaScript
Callback functions
Error Handling
Try , catch statements
Throwing and handling custom exceptions
Local Storage
Storing and retrieving data using the localStorage API
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